Why you should use `express`


I manually do some stuff like

wget -r -p -np -k http://ics.nju.edu.cn/~jyywiki/

Many of the time you may get into the scenario the page you scripy from the website. they are rendered by the js. Admittedly, you can continue to use request_html. The idea is to use Chroium core to dynamically render the js page and grab the important information.

from requests_html import HTMLSession

If you want to deploy them locally, you have to get the express.

var express = require('express');
var path = require('path');
var ejs = require('ejs');
//import the package here

var app = express();

// view engine setup
app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, '/wiki'));
app.engine('html', require('ejs').__express);  
app.set('view engine', 'html');
//youcan implement the function used in the cache page here.
router.get('/*', function(req, res, next) {

//credit: https://blog.csdn.net/u011481543/article/details/79696565
node server.js

Save it to the server.js with the relative path and run

[Parallel Computing] SpMV


  • Sparse matrix vector multiplication.
  • Many scientific algorithms require multiplying a matrix by a vector.
    • Optimization (e.g. conjugate gradient low degree mesh.), iterative methods (solving linear systems), eigenvalue methods (e.g. graph partitioning vx), simulations (e.g. finite elements), data analysis (e.g. Pagerank the web connectivity matrix).
  • The matrices are often sparse.
    • In an nxn matrix, there are \(O(n^2)\) nonzero elements.




DIA Format


ELL format


COO format


CSR format



Hybird format


what to use


ELL kernel


CSR scalar vector kernel


CSR vector kernel


COO vector kernel



[Parallel Computing] Concurrency bugs

  • In parallel system, high performance achieved by using algorithm with high parallelism, good load balancing, memory locality, etc.
  • But must also ensure multiple concurrent threads / processes operate correctly.
  • Concurrency bugs can arise due to unexpected interleaving of concurrent threads.
  • One of the most difficult issues to deal with in parallel / distributed computing.
    • Bugs occur at random times depending on the interleaving.
    • Bugs don’t occur during testing, but they will eventually occur in system deployed system.
    • Humans have hard time anticipating and resolving concurrency bugs.Concurrency bugs can have very serious consequences.

      Therac-25 radiation therapy system had a concurrency bug that led to radiation overdose and death of several patients.

      Space shuttle aborted 20 minutes before maiden launch due to concurrency bug in its avionics software.

eliminating concurrency bugs

  • Multiple ways, each with pros and cons.
  • Critical sections and locks
    • Prevent processes from accessing a block of code at the same time.
    • Easy to use, effective for some problems.
    • But cause contention, overhead and serialization.
    • Need to decide how much code to lock.
    • Too little, and may still get concurrency bug.
    • Too much, and we lose parallelism and performance.
  • If processes acquire several locks, they need to coordinate to maintain correctness, avoid deadlock.
  • Low priority that acquires a lock can delay high priority thread (priority inversion).
  • Despite these problems, locks are still the most widely used solution.
  • transactional memory
    • A block of code is defined as a transaction, i.e. the block of code either executes atomically or doesn’t execute at all.
    • Keep track of reads and writes done by a transaction. If two concurrent transactions read and write to same memory location, abort one of them, i.e. undo all the changes it made.
    • Two concurrent transactions accessing different memory locations can both commit, i.e. all the changes it made are made permanent.
    • Transactional memory can either be implemented in hardware (HTM) or software (STM).
    • HTM has limits of size and type of transactions it can handle. Implemented in e.g. Intel Haswell, IBM Power8.
    • STM is more flexible, but can be very slow.
  • Write your own concurrent code, without hardware support.
    • Challenging for most programmers. Not scalable in terms of productivity.
    • Correct, efficient algorithms are often research level publications.

Mutual exclution

  • Given n concurrent processes that want to perform a critical section (CS), mutual exclusion can satisfy the following properties.
    • No two processes are in CS at same time.
    • If several processes want to enter the CS, at least one succeeds in finite time (deadlock freedom).
    • If several processes want to enter the CS, every process succeeds in finite time (wait freedom).
  • All (useful) mutex algorithms satisfy first and second properties.
  • Some algorithms satisfy the third property, but have lower performance.

Mutual exclusion algorithms

  • Mutex is provided by locks. But how are locks implemented?
    • Depends on the type of operations the underlying hardware supports.
    • First type of algorithm uses only read / write operations.
    • Second type uses hardware synchronization primitives such as test-and- set (TAS) or compare-and-swap (CAS), provided in most processors.
  • TAS(x) tests if a Boolean variable x is true.
    • If x == false, it sets x to true.
    • Returns x’s value before the TS.
    • All these steps done atomically, without interruption from other threads.
    • getAndSet(x) is like TAS(x), but allows non-Boolean x.
  • CAS(x,v,v’) tests if variable x currently equals v. If so, it sets x to v’. Otherwise, it doesn’t change x. It also returns x’s current value.
    • Again, all this is atomic.
    • Algorithms also depend on a processor’s memory model.
    • Some processors reorder instructions to avoid stalls and obtain higher performance. This can break many lock algorithms.
    • Most lock algorithms assume memory model is sequentially consistent, i.e. the execution order of instructions from different processes is an interleaving of the instructions of each process in program order.

first attempt

  1. image-20200330212904433
  2. image-20200330223832949

[Parallel Computing] Shared Memory Programming and OpenMP


shared memory model compared with mpi

  • Threads (e.g. Pthreads, Java)
    • individual sequences of instructions that can execute in parallel and access shared data
    • very general, because programmer have to manage everything.
  • parallel programming language/ library
    • a parallel language or library is used to create code
    • require new compiler
  • Compiler directives (OMP)
    • inserts compiler directives into a sequential program to specify parallelism and indicate shared data and the compiler translates into threads.
    • still uses threads underneath, but system manages the threads.
    • easy to program. but lose flexibility.

Processes and thread

  • Process(MPI)
    • separate program with its own variable, memory, stack and instruction pointer.
    • Different programs can't access each other's memory


  • thread(OMP)
    • Concurrent routine that shares the variables and memory space, but has its own stack and instruction pointer.


[Parallel Comuting] Cuda intrinsics

Reference: Cuda dev blog

why we introduce intrinsics

  • Race condition: Different outcomes depending on execution order.

  • Race conditions can occur in any concurrent system, including GPUs.

    • Code should print a =1,000,000.
    • But actually printed a = 88.
  • GPUs have atomic intrinsics for simple atomic operations.

  • Hard to implement general mutex in CUDA.

    • Codes using critical sections don’t perform well on GPUs anyway.

The atomic thread in critical section is not good in performance. The example is identified for variable d_aimage-20200415201026154

cuda atomics

Can perform atomics on global or shared memory variables.

  • int atomicInc(int *addr)
    • Reads value at addr, increments it, returns old value.
    • Hardware ensures all 3 instructions happen without interruption from any other thread.
  • int atomicAdd(int *addr, int val)
    • Reads value at addr, adds val to it, returns old value.
  • int atomicMax(int *addr, int val)
    • Reads value at addr, sets it to max of current value and val, returns old value.
  • int atomicExch(int *addr1, int val)
    • Sets val at addr to val, returns old value at val.
  • int atomicCAS(int *addr, old, new)
    • “Compare and swap”, a conditional atomic.
    • Reads value at addr. If value equals old, sets value to new. Else does nothing.
    • Indicates whether state changed, i.e. if your view is up to date.
    • Universal operation, i.e. can be used to perform any other kind of synchronization


Finding max of array


improve it

we can improve it bu split the single global max into num_locals number of local max value.

Thread i atomically maxes with its local max. can max the local_max[locali],


a better solution is to make it into the tree DS+CA

Compute the histogram


! whether the data is stored on shared or global memory is depend on programmers

Shuffle intrinsics

! this intrinsic is not limited to cuda but all SIMD architecture

from avx256 vector elements we have

__m256 load_rotr(float *src)
#ifdef __AVX2__
    __m256 orig = _mm256_loadu_ps(src);
    __m256 rotated_right = _mm256_permutevar8x32_ps(orig, _mm256_set_epi32(0,7,6,5,4,3,2,1));
    return rotated_right;
    __m256 shifted = _mm256_loadu_ps(src + 1);
    __m256 bcast = _mm256_set1_ps(*src);
    return _mm256_blend_ps(shifted, bcast, 0b10000000);

For Kepler architecture, we have 4 intrisics.


The goal of the shuffle intrinsics is actually for optimizing Memory-Fetch Model


butterfly operations


Assume we have at most shuffle instead of shared memory


[Parallel Computing] Amdahi and Gustafson, metrics to measure parallel program

2 great law


Amdahi law defines the speedup formula after the parallelization of the serial system.

The defination of the speedup: \(Speedup = \frac{Time\ before\ optimized} {Time\ after\ optimized}\). The higher the speedup, the better the optimization.

Proof: The time after optimization: \(T_n=T_1(F+\frac1{n(1-F)})\), where \(T_1\) stands for the time before optimization, F is the percentage of serialized program,\((1-F)\) is the percentage of paralized program,n is the number of processor number. Take those into the equation we have \(\frac{T_1}{T_n}\),namely \(\frac{1}{(F + \frac{1}{n(1-F)})}\).

From the equation we can induce that the \(Speedup\) is inversely related with the \(F\). Also, from the equation, we can see that adding processor's number is just another method of providing \(Speedup\). Besides, lowering \(F\) can have the same effect.

For example in the \(ASC19\), besides merely applying the \(MPI\) parameter modification. The serialized part like initialization and special operation on the Qubits.


Gustafson is another important ways of evaluating the speedup rate

define the serialized processing time \(a\),parallelized processing time \(b\), namely single CPU situation, so the executing time \(a+b\) overall executing time \(a+nb,\) n denotes CPU number.

define the propertion F of a out of the executing time \(F=\frac{a}{(a+b)}\)

we get the final speedup rate. \(s(n)=a+\frac{nb}{a}+b=\frac a{a+b} + \frac{nb}{a+b} = F + \frac{n(b-a+a)}{a+b }= F + n(1-F)\)

From the equation, we have if the serialized part is tiny enough, $s(n)​ equals to the number of the CPU, so reducing the serialized part make sense, as well as adding the CPU core.

difference between two criteria

Two different law treats the parallel program from 2 different angles. Amdahi said that when the serial ratio is fixed, there is an upper limit by adding a CPU. By reducing the serial ratio and increasing the number of CPUs, the acceleration ratio can be improved. Gustafson is saying that when serial comparison tends to be very small, it can be seen from the formula that adding cpu can improve the speedup ratio

Multi-threaded features

Because of the inconsistency and security of data in a multi-threaded environment, some rule-based control is required. Java's memory model JMM regulates the effective and correct execution of multi-threading, and JMM is precisely the atomicity, visibility, and Orderly, so this blog introduces some multi-threaded atomicity, visibility and order.


For single-threaded, it is indeed atomic, such as an int variable, change the value, it is the value when reading, this is very normal, we go to the system to run, it is also the same, because our operation Most of the system is 32-bit and 64-bit, int type 4 bytes, that is, 32-bit, but you can try the value of long type, long type is 8 bytes, which is 64-bit, if both threads Read and write it? In a multi-threaded environment, a thread changes the value of the long type and then reads it. The obtained value is not necessarily the value just changed, because your system may be 32-bit, and the long type is 64-bit. Yes, if both threads read and write to the long type, this will happen.


How to understand visibility? First of all, there is no visibility for single-threaded. Visibility is for multi-threaded. For example, if one thread has changed, does another thread know that the thread has changed, this is visibility . For example, the variable a is a shared variable. The variable a on cpu1 is cache optimized, and the variable a is placed in the cache. At this time, the thread on the other cpu2 changes the variable a. This operation is for cpu1. The thread is not visible, because cpu1 has been cached, so the thread on cpu1 reads the variable a from the cache, and found that the value read on cpu2 is not consistent.


For single-threaded, the code execution of a thread is in order, which is true, but in a multi-threaded environment may not be necessary. Because in a multi-threaded environment instruction rearrangement may occur. In other words, in a multi-threaded environment, code execution is not necessarily ordered.

Since disorder is caused by rearrangement, then all instructions will be rearranged? of course not. The rearrangement follows: Happen-Before rule.










我引经据典,告诉他们所谓的“小有成就”在明清时的夜航船上就有很多自吹自擂最后落得自己“一无所知”的下场。得到四书五经的真传又如何?这种将八股奉为圭臬,陷于自己的舒适区的人,实则仅得到孔孟程朱的边角料,闹得只会对对联这种恶俗文青操作。没有真正意义上的创新 ,也即是把自己放在舒适区的结果。当时的中国没有进步,人均生产一直维持在低点千年的原因莫过于此。我们放弃了“科技”,而沉浸于古人的辉煌。






“人需寻得所爱。”乔帮主用这句话结束给“世界大脑”们的演讲,意在说明人总能找到属于自己的价值,为之痛,为之乐。这份痛是带有主观判断的。不能麻木盲从地痛苦下去,折磨自己很简单,但绝不能陷入琐事的痛苦,不能让片面庸俗的痛苦成为成就高水平幸福的绊脚石。史铁生一生“埋没”在病痛痛苦的极致中,却在地坛公园中给全中国人民在文革后以生命意义的慰藉。苏轼成长之路世人皆知,从青年到老年的跃变,从无法摆脱对时弊的束缚到无以伦比的胸襟。他突破了苦的边界,为百姓疾苦共舞。他的幸是 苦叠加的结果。相反万历朱翊钧倒在了臣子阴阳利益斗争的血泊和三征高丽的痛苦中,失了心智,未能续大明之幸,张居正之托,终享其乐。




说说这篇文章为啥是三类下卷,即得了44/70. 大致上是偏题了,而且用词朴素,没啥料。好像老师看上去没有同感,或者说根本懒得读。还有,周国平在哪里?





[Signal and System] Fourier transform


syms t;
subplot(2,2,[1,3]); fplot(ft,[0 3]);title("time domain" ); xlabel( 't(second)');ylabel( 'y(t)' );
w = 2*pi*f;N =10;
Fn = zeros(1,N);
Wn = zeros(1,N);
for k = 0:N-1
	Fn(k+1) = 2*1/T*int(ft*exp(-1j*k*w*t),t, [t0, t0+T]);
	Wn(k+1) = k*w;
subplot(2,2,2); stem(Wn/ (2*pi),abs(Fn));title('frequency_ _amplitude' ); xlabel('f(Hz)' );ylabel('Y');
subplot(2,2,4); stem(Wn/ (2*pi),angle(Fn)*180/pi);title(' frequency_ phase'); xlabel('f(Hz)' );ylabel('Y')




subplot(2,2,[1,3]); fplot(ft,[0 3]);title("time domain" ); xlabel( 't(second)');ylabel( 'y(t)' );
w = 2*pi*f;N =10;
Fn = zeros(1,N);
Wn = zeros(1,N);
for k = 0:N-1
  fun=@(t) square(2*pi/T*t).*exp(-1j*k*w*t);
  Fn(k+1) = 2/T*integral(fun,t0,t0+T);
  Wn(k+1) = k*w;
subplot(2,2,2); stem(Wn/ (2*pi),abs(Fn));title('frequency_ _amplitude' ); xlabel('f(Hz)' );ylabel('Y');
subplot(2,2,4); stem(Wn/ (2*pi),angle(Fn)*180/pi);title(' frequency_ phase'); xlabel('f(Hz)' );ylabel('Y')



Fs = 1000;
ts = 1/Fs;
N = 3000;
t = (0:N-1)*ts;
signal1 = 0.7*sin(2*pi*50*t)+sin(2*pi*120*t)+2*randn(size(t));
subplot(2,1,1);plot(t,signal1); title('time domain'); xlabel('t(second)');ylabel('y(t)');
Y = fft(signal1);
Y = abs(Y/N);
Y = Y(1:N/2+1);
Y(2:end) = 2*Y(2:end);
f = (0:N/2)*Fs/N;
subplot(2,1,2);plot(f,Y); title(' frequency domain' ); xlabel('f(Hz)');ylabel('Y');



t = -2:0.001:2;
N = input('N=');
a0 = 0.5;
f = a0*ones(1,length(t));
for n=1:2:N
f = f+cos(n*pi*t)*sinc(n/2);
plot(t,f);grid on;
title(['N=' num2str(N)]);


t = -2:0.001:2;
N = input('N=');
T1 = 2;
w1 = 2*pi/T1;
fun = @(t) t.^0;
a0 = 1/T1*integral(fun,-0.5,0.5);
f = a0;
an = zeros(1,N);
bn = zeros(1,N);
for i = 1:N
fun = @(t) (t.^0).*cos(i*w1.*t);
an(i) = 2/T1.*integral(fun,-0.5,0.5);
fun = @(t) (t.^0).*sin(i*w1.*t);
bn(i) = 2/T1.*integral(fun,-0.5,0.5);
f = f + an(i)*cos(i*w1.*t)+bn(i)*sin(i*w1.*t);
plot(t,f); grid on;
title(['N=' num2str(N)]);
axis([-2 2 -0.2 1.2]);




[RL] RL Category

Following the wikipeadia

Reinforcement Learning is an area of machihne learning inspired by behavioral psychology, concerned with how software agents ought to take actions in an environment so as to maximzie some notion of cumulative reward.


Behavioral Psychology

Behavior is primarily shaped by reinforcement rather than free-will.

  • behaviors that result in praise/pleasure tend to repeat
  • behaviors that result in punishment/pain tend to become extinct


An entity (learner & decision maker) that is equipped with Sensors end-effectors and goals



  • Used by the agent to interact with the environment.
  • May have many di↵erent temporal granularities and abstractions



A reward R**t is a scalar feedback signal

Indicates how well agent is doing at step t

The agent’s job is to maximize cumulative reward

hypothesis: All goals can be described by the maximization of expected cumulative reward


Main Topics of Reinforcement Learning

Learning: by trial and error

Planning: search, reason, thought, cognition

Prediction: evaluation functions, knowledge

Control: action selection, decision making

Dynamics: how the state changes given the actions of the agent

Model-based RL

  • dynamics are known or are estimated
  • solving RL problems that use models and planning

Model-free RL

  • unknown dynamics
  • explicitly trial-and-error learners

not necessarily iid


P.S. 逆强化学习。

