
lamda 表达式的意义

# 需求:将列表中的元素按其平方进行排列
li = [3,5,-4,-1,0,-2,-6]
sorted(li, key=lambda x: x^2)


li1 = [3,5,-4,-1,0,-2,-6]
def get_square(x):
    return (x^2)

充分显示了其 PEP

Explicit is better than implicit


“Talk is cheap. Show me the code.”

–Linus Torvalds

巨硬这回真的下功夫了——Edge 体验


Graphics Feature Status

  • Canvas: Hardware accelerated
  • Flash: Hardware accelerated
  • Flash Stage3D: Hardware accelerated
  • Flash Stage3D Baseline profile: Hardware accelerated
  • Compositing: Hardware accelerated
  • Multiple Raster Threads: Enabled
  • Out-of-process Rasterization: Disabled
  • Hardware Protected Video Decode: Unavailable
  • Rasterization: Hardware accelerated
  • Skia Renderer: Disabled
  • Video Decode: Hardware accelerated
  • Viz Display Compositor: Enabled
  • Viz Hit-test Surface Layer: Enabled
  • WebGL: Hardware accelerated
  • WebGL2: Hardware accelerated

Driver Bug Workarounds

  • clear_uniforms_before_first_program_use
  • decode_encode_srgb_for_generatemipmap
  • disable_delayed_copy_nv12
  • disable_direct_composition_video_overlays
  • disable_discard_framebuffer
  • disable_playready_hardware_drm
  • disable_vp_scaling
  • exit_on_context_lost
  • force_cube_complete
  • scalarize_vec_and_mat_constructor_args
  • disabled_extension_GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced
  • disabled_extension_GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent

Problems Detected

ANGLE Features

  • disable_program_caching_for_transform_feedback (Frontend workarounds): Disabled
    On some GPUs, program binaries don't contain transform feedback varyings
  • lose_context_on_out_of_memory (Frontend workarounds): Enabled: true
    Some users rely on a lost context notification if a GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY error occurs
  • scalarize_vec_and_mat_constructor_args (Frontend workarounds) 398694: Enabled: true
    Always rewrite vec/mat constructors to be consistent
  • sync_framebuffer_bindings_on_tex_image (Frontend workarounds): Disabled
    On some drivers TexImage sometimes seems to interact with the Framebuffer
  • add_dummy_texture_no_render_target (D3D workarounds) anglebug:2152: Disabled: isIntel && capsVersion < IntelDriverVersion(4815)
    On some drivers when rendering with no render target, two bugs lead to incorrect behavior
  • allow_clear_for_robust_resource_init (D3D workarounds) 941620: Disabled: false
    Some drivers corrupt texture data when clearing for robust resource initialization.
  • call_clear_twice (D3D workarounds) 655534: Disabled: isIntel && isSkylake && capsVersion < IntelDriverVersion(4771)
    Using clear() may not take effect
  • depth_stencil_blit_extra_copy (D3D workarounds) anglebug:1452: Disabled: (part1 <= 13u && part2 < 6881) && isNvidia && driverVersionValid
    Bug in some drivers triggers a TDR when using CopySubresourceRegion from a staging texture to a depth/stencil
  • disable_b5g6r5_support (D3D workarounds): Disabled: (isIntel && capsVersion < IntelDriverVersion(4539)) || isAMD
    Textures with the format DXGI_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM have incorrect data
  • emulate_isnan_float (D3D workarounds) 650547: Disabled: isIntel && isSkylake && capsVersion < IntelDriverVersion(4542)
    Using isnan() on highp float will get wrong answer
  • emulate_tiny_stencil_textures (D3D workarounds): Disabled: isAMD && !(deviceCaps.featureLevel < D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1)
    1x1 and 2x2 mips of depth/stencil textures aren't sampled correctly
  • expand_integer_pow_expressions (D3D workarounds): Enabled: true
    The HLSL optimizer has a bug with optimizing 'pow' in certain integer-valued expressions
  • flush_after_ending_transform_feedback (D3D workarounds): Enabled: isNvidia
    Some drivers sometimes write out-of-order results to StreamOut buffers when transform feedback is used to repeatedly write to the same buffer positions
  • force_atomic_value_resolution (D3D workarounds) anglebug:3246: Enabled: isNvidia
    On some drivers the return value from RWByteAddressBuffer.InterlockedAdd does not resolve when used in the .yzw components of a RWByteAddressBuffer.Store operation
  • get_dimensions_ignores_base_level (D3D workarounds): Enabled: isNvidia
    Some drivers do not take into account the base level of the texture in the results of the HLSL GetDimensions builtin
  • mrt_perf_workaround (D3D workarounds): Enabled: true
    Some drivers have a bug where they ignore null render targets
  • pre_add_texel_fetch_offsets (D3D workarounds): Disabled: isIntel
    HLSL's function texture.Load returns 0 when the parameter Location is negative, even if the sum of Offset and Location is in range
  • rewrite_unary_minus_operator (D3D workarounds): Disabled: isIntel && (isBroadwell || isHaswell) && capsVersion < IntelDriverVersion(4624)
    Evaluating unary minus operator on integer may get wrong answer in vertex shaders
  • select_view_in_geometry_shader (D3D workarounds): Disabled: !deviceCaps.supportsVpRtIndexWriteFromVertexShader
    The viewport or render target slice will be selected in the geometry shader stage for the ANGLE_multiview extension
  • set_data_faster_than_image_upload (D3D workarounds): Enabled: !(isIvyBridge || isBroadwell || isHaswell)
    Set data faster than image upload
  • skip_vs_constant_register_zero (D3D workarounds): Enabled: isNvidia
    In specific cases the driver doesn't handle constant register zero correctly
  • use_instanced_point_sprite_emulation (D3D workarounds): Disabled: isFeatureLevel9_3
    Some D3D11 renderers do not support geometry shaders for pointsprite emulation
  • use_system_memory_for_constant_buffers (D3D workarounds) 593024: Disabled: isIntel
    Copying from staging storage to constant buffer storage does not work
  • zero_max_lod (D3D workarounds): Disabled: isFeatureLevel9_3
    Missing an option to disable mipmaps on a mipmapped texture

Compositor Information

Tile Update ModeOne-copy
Partial RasterEnabled

GpuMemoryBuffers Status

R_8Software only
R_16Software only
RG_88Software only
BGR_565Software only
RGBA_4444Software only
BGRX_8888Software only
BGRX_1010102Software only
RGBX_1010102Software only
BGRA_8888Software only
RGBA_F16Software only
YVU_420Software only
YUV_420_BIPLANARSoftware only
P010Software only

Display(s) Information

InfoDisplay[2528732444] bounds=[0,0 1920x1080], workarea=[0,0 1920x1040], scale=2, external.
Color space information{primaries_d50_referred: [[0.6808, 0.3205], [0.2584, 0.7007], [0.1469, 0.0421]], transfer:IEC61966_2_1, matrix:RGB, range:FULL}
SDR white level in nits80
Bits per color component8
Bits per pixel24
Refresh Rate in Hz59
InfoDisplay[2480450848] bounds=[-1920,0 1920x1080], workarea=[-1920,0 1920x1080], scale=1, external.
Color space information{primaries_d50_referred: [[0.6808, 0.3205], [0.2584, 0.7007], [0.1469, 0.0421]], transfer:IEC61966_2_1, matrix:RGB, range:FULL}
SDR white level in nits80
Bits per color component8
Bits per pixel24
Refresh Rate in Hz60

Video Acceleration Information

Decode h264 baseline48x48 to 4096x2304 pixels
Decode h264 baseline48x48 to 2304x4096 pixels
Decode h264 main48x48 to 4096x2304 pixels
Decode h264 main48x48 to 2304x4096 pixels
Decode h264 high48x48 to 4096x2304 pixels
Decode h264 high48x48 to 2304x4096 pixels
Decode vp9 profile016x16 to 8192x8192 pixels
Decode vp9 profile016x16 to 8192x8192 pixels
Decode vp9 profile216x16 to 8192x8192 pixels
Decode vp9 profile216x16 to 8192x8192 pixels
Encode h264 baseline0x0 to 3840x2176 pixels, and/or 30.000 fps
Encode h264 main0x0 to 3840x2176 pixels, and/or 30.000 fps
Encode h264 high0x0 to 3840x2176 pixels, and/or 30.000 fps