[Computer Architecture] Sniper lab2

The code is at http://victoryang00.xyz:5012/victoryang/sniper_test/tree/lab2.

The lab was to implement the Hash perceptron according to the paper "Dynamic-Branch-Prediction-with-Perceptrons".

The cache implementation is in common/performance_model/branch_predictor.cc

#include "perceptron_branch_predictor.h"
else if (type == "perceptron")
   return new PerceptronBranchPredictor("branch_predictor", core_id);

The modification in the cfg

type = perceptron    # add Perceptron
mispredict_penalty=8 # Reflects just the front-end portion (approx) of the penalty for Interval Simulation

The constructor is passed to the perceptron_branch_predictor.h, we have to maintain the member variable as below:

struct PHT {
        bool taken;     //jump or not
        IntPtr target;  //64 history target address. 
        PHT(bool bt, IntPtr it) : taken(bt), target(it) {}
    };//The pattern history table, set like a round linked list to avoid the memory copy

//To store the history result.
		SInt32 history_sum;
    UInt32 history_bias_index;
    std::vector<UInt32> history_indexes;
    std::vector<PHT> history_path;
    UInt32 history_path_index;

    std::vector<PHT> path;
    UInt32 path_index;

    UInt32 path_length;
    UInt32 num_entries;
    UInt32 num_bias_entries;//1024
    UInt32 weight_bits;
    std::vector<std::vector<SInt32>> weights;
    std::vector<SInt32> perceptron;           //Update the perceptron table to 1024 entries
    UInt32 theta;															//Threshold, to determine the train is good
    SInt64 count;														  //To store the count
    UInt32 block_size;											  //block sides initialize to perseption

    // initialize the branch history register and perceptron table to 0
PerceptronBranchPredictor::PerceptronBranchPredictor(String name, core_id_t core_id)
    : BranchPredictor(name, core_id), history_sum(0), history_bias_index(0), history_indexes(64 / 8, 0), history_path(64, PHT(false, 0)), history_path_index(0), path(64, PHT(false, 0)), path_index(0), path_length(64), num_entries(256), num_bias_entries(1024), weight_bits(7), weights(256, std::vector<SInt32>(64, 0)), perceptron(1024, 0), theta(296.64), count(0), block_size(8), coefficients(64, 0)

The prediction method

The Base neral predictor is based on the equation $y=w_{0}+\sum_{i=1}^{n} x_{i} w_{i}$, We have that

// if the prediction is wrong or the weight value is smaller than the threshold THETA, 
// then update the weight  to train the perceptron
weights = floor(1.93 * blocksize + 14)

Hashed Perceptron Multiple

  1. set of branches assigned to same weights
  2. More than one set of information can be used to hash into the weight table
  3. Diferent hashing function can be used such as : XOR, Concatenation etc.
  4. Diferent indices can be assigned to diferent weights


The input is ip, and first come to a computation of (ip >> 4) % num_bias_entries;

This give the seed to the weight table lines:

table of perception will get update to te coefficient*weight and

and weight table will update to weights[index[i]][i*8...(i+1)*8]*coefficients[i*8...(i+1)*8]*h

if the result >0 the prediction is right then jump, or not jump.

Then update the history and insert the round linked list.

bool PerceptronBranchPredictor::predict(IntPtr ip, IntPtr target)
    double sum = 0;
  //hash method
    UInt32 bias_index = (ip >> 4) % num_bias_entries;

    sum += bias_coefficient * perceptron[bias_index];
    history_bias_index = bias_index;
  //update the weight
    for (UInt32 i = 0; i < path_length; i += block_size)
        IntPtr z = ip >> 4;
        for (UInt32 j = 0; j < block_size; j++)
            z ^= (path[(path_index - i - j + path_length - 1) % path_length].target >> 4);
        UInt32 index = z % num_entries;
        history_indexes[i / block_size] = index;
        for (UInt32 j = 0; j < block_size; j++)
            SInt32 h = path[(path_index - i - j + path_length - 1) % path_length].taken ? 1 : -1;
            sum += h * weights[index][i + j] * coefficients[i + j];
    bool result = ((SInt32)sum) >= 0;
    history_sum = (SInt32)sum;

    history_path.assign(path.begin(), path.end());
    history_path_index = path_index;
    path[path_index] = PHT(result, target);
    path_index = (path_index + 1) % path_length;

    return result;

The train process


Input parameters: predicted, actual, ip
auxiliary parameters: history_sum(predicted value), history_bias_index, history_indexes(index). history_path(history), history_path_index(history subscript)

for each bit in parallel
	if t=xi then
    end if


for (UInt32 i = 0; i < path_length; i += block_size)
            index = history_indexes[i / block_size];
            for (UInt32 j = 0; j < block_size; j++)
                bool taken = history_path[(history_path_index - i - j + path_length - 1) % path_length].taken;
                if (taken == actual)
                    if (weights[index][i + j] < (1 << weight_bits) - 1)
                        weights[index][i + j]++;
                    if (weights[index][i + j] > -(1 << weight_bits))
                        weights[index][i + j]--;

The result

FFT with Blocking Transpose
   1024 Complex Doubles
   1 Processors
   65536 Cache lines
   16 Byte line size
   4096 Bytes per page
pentium_m perceptron
num correct 63112 65612
num incorrect 4342 2112
IPC 1.36 1.37
mpki 2.71 1.39
misprediction rate 6.436% 3.118%
Elapsed time 4.46s 5.23s
cycles 1.2M 1.2M
Instructions 1.6M 1.6M


  1. https://github.com/ChrsMark/BranchPredictors