[Program Analysis] Static Analysis for Security

Like symbolic execution, Taint-Analysis is an important tool for analyzing code security vulnerabilities and detecting attack methods. Taint-Analysis can effectively detect a large number of security vulnerabilities in Web applications, such as cross-site scripting attacks, SQL injection, etc. The taint propagation technique is an important topic in the field of Taint-Analysis, which is combined with the static program analysis technique to obtain more efficient and accurate analysis results by analyzing the interdependencies between program variables without running the code and modifying the code.

Taint analysis tracks how tainted data flow through the program and observes if they can flow to locations of interest (call sinks).

[Program Analysis] Inter-procedural Dataflow Analysis

The IFDS published at POPL'1995 is a leaf-frog jump after the classical intra-procedural analysis. Since it 1. linear time for specific individual problem 2. linear time for the locally separable problem(gen/kill bitvec) 3. Nonlinear time for other common problems.

CFL reachability

Feasible and Realizable Paths

Paths in CFG that do not correspond to actual executions is Infeasible paths. If we can prevent CFG from being contaminated by infeasible paths as much as possible and make the analysis flow graph edges more concise, we are bound to greatly improve the analysis speed. But in practice, such infeasible paths are often undecidable.

Realizable Paths

The paths in which "returns" are matched with corresponding "calls".Thus we can make the target wider. If we call one path of, the returned edge can correctly pattern matching the call-edge, we call the

B is CFL reachable from A if there's a path (a series of edges) between two nodes A and B and all the label of the edges on this path are legal words defined by a pre-specified context-free language.

Partially Balanced-Parenthesis Problem

The search for realizable paths is abstracted into the typical bracket matching problem. Partially here means that there must be an (i match for (i. In other words, for every return-edge there is a call-edge match, but every call-edge does not necessarily have a return value (e.g., realizable but not infeasiable paths). The problem is modeled as follows: all edges on the control-flow graph are given a label, and for a call statement i, the call-edge is labeled (i and its return-edge is labeled) i, while all other edges are labeled e.

A path is a realizable path if thee path' word is in the language L(realizable).


IFDS is for interprocedural data flow analysis with distributive flow functions over finite domains. It transforms a large class of data flow analysis problems into graph reachability problems by providing polynomial-time accuracy compared to the iterative data flow framework with the following constraints:

  1. Many general dataflow analysis problems are subset problems but interprocedural is full program analysis. The distributive flow function within the finite domain is required for IFDS.

IFDS uses meet-over-all-realizable-path

to measure its analysis accuracy.
According to the definition of $M O P_{n}=\sqcup(p \in P a t h s(s t a r t, n)) p f_{p}(\perp)$, for each node point $n, M O P_{n}$ denotes the union/intersection operation of all paths from the start point to the node point n on the CFG.
And according to the definition of MRP $M O P_{n}=\sqcup(p \in P a t h s(s t a r t, n)) p f_{p}(\perp)$ , for each node point $n, M R P_{n}$ denotes all realizable paths from the start point to the node point n on the CFG (the label of these paths constitutes the word that matches the realizable label of these paths conforms to the context-independent grammar of the realizalble language) for the union/intersection operation. The result is also more accurate than $M O P_{n}$. $M R P_{n} \leqslant M O P_{n}$.


IFDS Algorithm:

Input: Program and the Data Flow Analysis $O$


  1. https://haotianmichael.github.io/2021/06/06/NJU%E9%9D%99%E6%80%81%E7%A8%8B%E5%BA%8F%E5%88%86%E6%9E%90-5-IFDS/
  2. https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA332493.pdf
  3. https://minds.wisconsin.edu/bitstream/1793/60188/1/TR1386.pdf

[Program Analysis] Intra-procedural Dataflow Analysis

The global non-related optimization is based on Dataflow Analysis. The mainstream compiler intermediate representation like LLVM/ Gravvm is based on SSA to do the Dataflow Analysis while Soot on JVM is utilizing Lattice (The classical definition) to do the intraprocedural.


  1. https://haotianmichael.github.io/2021/05/04/NJU%E9%9D%99%E6%80%81%E7%A8%8B%E5%BA%8F%E5%88%86%E6%9E%90-1-Data-Flow-Analysis/

Some pitfalls using docker to host Nginx and php-fpm

I'm deploying my WordPress on AWS with Lambda function, all the services are coerced in one container. (I was intended to separate into different services, e.g. MySQL, Nginx, lambda-php-server, but not necessary) And I would get into 504 for Nginx.

My frontend Nginx do a proxy_pass to the backend Lambda function which always shows timeout. I was to think the performance of the chassis is bad, or some cgroup stuff is cast on the service. The log from behind Nginx shows there's setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, 51200) failed (1: Operation not permitted) I realize I have to give privilege to the Docker runtime. It will setrlimit to the host machine.

docker run -c 1024 --blkio-weight 600  -d -e https_proxy= -e http_proxy= -p 8022:22  -p 8443:443 -p 888:888 -p 3306:3306 -p 8888:8888 yangyw12345/wordpress_mainpage sh -c "while true;do echo hello world; sleep 100000;done"

[Program Analysis] LiveVariableAnalysis in Soot

Setup of the Soot

We need to first set up the Soot variables. In target command line tools, the config is passed by args, e.g. java -cp soot-2.5.0.jar soot.Main -pp -f J -cp . Hello. The prepend file is set and the jar interpreter will pass the variable $CLASSPATH. In my implementation, these are passed into Options.v(). Noticeably, I have to switch off the optimization for java ByteCode, or it will do Dead Code Elimination to remove the intermediate process.

CallGraph for Debug

I iterate the CFG before and after the Liveness analysis to see the problem.

for (Unit unit : body.getUnits()) {
       System.out.println(unit.toString() + "[entry]" +lva.getFlowBefore(unit));
       System.out.println(unit.toString() + "[exit]" +lva.getFlowBefore(unit));



I record all the FlowSet<Local> to a enhanced AbstractBoundedFlowSet<Local> with liveVariable hash set. So that it has clone and record feature.


The Analysis extends BackwardFlow. The merge logic is union and copy logic is copy. The flowThrough part is first calculates the kill set and makes the difference of kills and destSet; then the gens are merely the union of the iterated kills.

Input and output of file

The soot.Main only accept className, so I remove the "./" and ".class" to pass. And the directory is created in the same folder of the class file to write the output.

Processing-in-Memory Course: Programming PIM Architectures by Onur & Juan

The course provides a software view of PIM Architecture like Intel does in its "Intel Manual for software people".

Also, DRAM Processing Unit is a long discussed topic to utilize the DRAM bandwidth.

UPMEM provides processing in DRAM Engine.

The introduction of PIM is to utilize large memory bandwidth and save cycles of on-chip memory compute.

Setups are DDR R-DIMM with 8GB+128DPUs and 2x-nm DRAM process.



  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaOIoOQ5EgE
  2. ^ ServeTheHome (2021-05-30). "DPU vs SmarNICs vs Exotic FPGAs". ServeTheHome. Retrieved 2022-01-03.

Preempting Flaky Tests via Non-Idempotent-Outcome Tests @ICSE '22

Nonidiomatic test are one of Flaky tests category. In the previous TACAS work, the relation between polluters(modify the shared state) and victims(read from the shared state) are found but there exists a lot false positive for it to have Order dependent variables inside, from our previous tests on these testcases. Also for the latent polluters/victims that potentially read/write the variables. e.g.

//shared variables x,y,z are initialized into 0
void t1(){ assert x==0; } // victim
void t2(){ x = 0; } // polluter
void t3(){ assert y==0; } // latent-victim
void t4(){ z=1; } // latent-polluter
void t5(){ assert w=0;w=1;}

The NIO tests means passes in the first run but fails in the second when run twice consecutively.

The NIO will self pollutes the state that its own assertions depend on

  • NIO $\in$ latent-polluter ^ latent-victim $\in$ latent-writer


Real Examples

Static Inference Meets Deep Learning: A Hybrid Type Inference Approach for Python @ICSE '22

The type inference in dynamic function in python.

Compared with static inference like Pyre.

Static+DL Approach

先 Type dependency graph,在路径constraint上做验证正确性,最后再验证正确性。其实非动态语言rust的类型推导💥问题也可以这样解决。至少DL给了一个搜索路径。


重点就是Backward Type Rejection的语义。

看了下,比如subscript的刻画还是很准确的,但是symbolic value的rejection rule还是会比sound 大一些。

Counter case

[Program Analysis] Intraprocedural Analysis

CHA analysis is used to make too conservative assumptions to the method call in the Intraprocedural Analysis. All the results of the analysis should be. save. According to the Lattice Theory, the must and may analysis should be less precise. So the Interprocedural Analysis to see the data flow in the BB and the Call Graph to see the data flow propagation between functions and raise the precision of the analysis is very important.

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