Discrete Mathematics really have its edge in coming up new ideas

After a profound talk with ZQX, I find DM imperative in coming up new ideas. At least in blockchain case, if you want to prove the validity of mutual trustworthy register system, you can merely depict a simple graph to find that there doesn't exist a non-closed circuit in compiling the graph, the theorem stuck. Even if you apply the new technology later on, you won't change the result of its effectiveness, you have to detour to the final solution.

Also we talked about the future medical scenario. We'd witnessed the appearance of using electrical signal to control vocalization nerve. Despite its fake voice, distinctive from normal voice, it proved that human can be controlled overall.

Frankly speaking, without sensing these technology advancement, I should say that, after long time no see, it paved its big step. With little skills on me, should it be a honor to be in the era?