CS 150 is composed of the TsingHua's 计算机组成原理 and VSLI

CS 150 is composed of the TsingHua's 计算机组成原理 and VSLI



They studied verilog

FSM is really similar to our homework. actually, I found that their exams is given to us for homework.

P.S.: WHY they have spring break?image-20200326172618489


run a linux on FPGA. and implement a CPU. 俗称“造机”。

If I have time, I'll implement the CPU by my own.

GPU applying the RISC-V architecture will be much better and cooler.

The more I read and learn , the more I found the knowledge in the EECS category can be nicely cascaded. In most of the cases, we get the point from another place and we can be taught within minutes.

After talking with upperclassman 罗浩聪, I guadully find my career as an PhD in Arch or PL, or sth, in between. But for now, let me finish the 2 cooperate papers.