[Computer Architecture] Numbers Notes

big IDEAs

  1. Abstraction
  2. Moore's Law
  3. Principle of Locality/Memory Hierarchy
  4. Parallelism
  5. Performance Measurement and Improvement
  6. Dependability VIA Redundancy

old conventional wisdom

Moore's Law t+ Dennard Scaling = faster, cheaper, low-power

signed &unsigned Intergers


e.g. for unsigned int: adresses
0000 0000 0000 0001\(_{two}\) = \(1_{ten}\)
0111 1111 1111 1111\(_{two}\) = \(2^{11}-1\ _{ten}\)


e.g. for signed int: int x,y,z;
1000 0000 0000 0000\(_{two}\) = \(-2^{11}\ _{ten}\)

main idea

want \(\frac{1}{2}\) of the int >=0, \(\frac{1}{2}\) of the int <0

two complement

basic ideas

for 3\(_{ten}\)=0011\(_{two}\)
for 10000\(_{two}\)-0011\(_{two}\)=1\(_{two}\)+1111\(_{two}\)-0011\(_{two}\)=1101\(_{two}\)

more e.g.

Assume for simplicity 4 bit width, -8 to +7
There's an overflow here
Overflow when magnitude of result too big to fit into result representation
Carry in = carry form less significant bits
Carry out = carry to more significant bits

take care of the MSB(Most significant bits)
to detect overflow is to check whether carry in = carry out in the MSB
